Buddhist-Christian Relations in Japan – An Overview. In: Perry Schmidt-Leukel (ed.), Buddhist-Christian Relations in Asia. St. Ottilien: Eos 2017: 209-242.

„Leben bleibt nur durch Sterben wach“ – Eine Überprüfung von Carl Heinz Ratschows Opfer-Theorie anhand von Beispielen der japanischen Religionsgeschichte. In: Birgit Staemmler (Hg.), Werden und Vergehen – Betrachtungen zu Geburt und Tod in japanischen Religionen. Berlin: Lit 2016: 169-181.

Opfergaben und Opferpraxis in der einheimischen Religion Japans („Shintō“). In: Alexandra Grund (Hg.), Opfer, Geschenke, Almosen – Die Gabe in Religion und Gesellschaft. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2015: 124-143

Aum Shinrikyo and the Aum Incident – A Critical Introduction. In: James R. Lewis und Jesper Aagaard Petersen (eds.), Controversial New Religions. Oxford und New York: Oxford University Press (First edition: 2005: 153-194) Second edition 2014: 195-240.

How do Buddhism and Christianity Relate to Other Religions? – Comparative Studies of Cases in China and Japan. In: Fujimoto Kiyohiko Sensei koki kinen ronbun-shū kankō-kai (Ed.), Hōnen bukkyō no shosō (Various aspects of Hōnen’s Buddhism). Kyoto: Hōzō-kan 2014: 1203-1222.

Äquivalente Worte für “Religion” und verwandte Begriffe in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Jesuiten und Buddhisten im Japan des 16./17. Jhs. In: Peter Schalk et al. (Hg.), Religion in Asien? – Studien zur Anwendbarkeit des Religionsbegriffs. Acta Universitatis Upsalensis. Historia Religionum 33. Uppsala 2012: 291-316.

Mission des Buddhismus – Eine Einführung in Geschichte und Strategien. Interkulturelle Theologie – Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft 38. Jg. (No. 3) 2012: 277-294.

Einflüsse buddhistischer “Spiritualität” auf das abendländische Christentum. In: Hermann Schoenauer (Hg.), Spiritualität und inovative Unternehmensführung (Dynamisch Leben Gestalten. Innovative Unternehmensführung in der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaft Vol. 3). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2012: 376-390.

Muto Kazuo (1913-1995) – An Introduction to His Life and Work. In: Martin Repp (Hg.), Muto Kazuo: Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness – Contributions to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue from the Kyoto School. Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers 2012: 1-53. Revidierte Version von: The Kyoto School of Philosophy and “Christian Studies.” – An Introduction to the Life and Work of Muto Kazuo. Ryukoku Daigaku Ronshu Vol. 473 (2009): 2-47.

An Inquiry Into the Communicational Structures of the Early Sangha and King Ashoka’s Edicts – A Model to Tackle Religious Diversity. Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute Vol. 30 Nos. 1& 2 (2011): 62-86. Revised version of: How to Tackle Religious Diversity? – An Inquiry Into the Communicational Structures of the Early Sangha and King Ashoka’s Edicts. Shinshu-gaku No. 114.(2006): 1-33.

„When Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact“ – The Role of Science, Science Fiction and Technology in Aum Shinrikyo. In: James R. Lewis and Olav Hammer (eds.), Handbook of Religion and the Authority of Science, Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers 2011: 185-204.

Religion and Violence in Japan – The Case of Aum Shinrikyo. In: James Lewis (ed.), Violence and New Religious Movements, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011: 147-171.

(Together with Yoshiyuki Inoue) Shūkyō ni okeru komyunikēshon no katachi (Forms of communication in religion) (Introduction). In: Martin Repp and Yoshiyuki Inoue (Eds.), Mondō to ronsō no bukkyō – Shūkyō-teki komyunikēshon no shatei (Buddhism of didactic conversations and disputations – The range of religious communication). (Ryukoku Daigaku Bukkyō Bunka Kenkysho Sōsho No. 27) Kyoto: Hōzōkan 2011: i-x.

Sengoku jidai ni okeru Iezusu-kai senkyō-shi to Bukkyō sōryō to no shūron. (Debates between the Jesuit missionaries and Buddhist priests during the time of the Warring States). In: Martin Repp and Yoshiyuki Inoue (Eds.), Mondō to ronsō no bukkyō – Shūkyō-teki komyunikēshon no shatei (Buddhism of didactic conversations and disputations – The range of religious communications).(Ryukoku Daigaku Bukkyō Bunka Kenysho Sōsho No. 27) Kyoto: Hōzōkan 2011: 149-161.

Socio-conomic Impacts of Honen’s Pure Land Doctrines – An Inquiry into the Interplay between Buddhist Teachings and Institution. In: Ugo Dessi (ed.), The Social Dimension of Shin Buddhism. (Numen Book Series. Studies in the History of Religion Vol. 129) Leiden and Boston: Brill Publishers 2010: 11-58.

The Role of Mondō (Conversations) in Honen’s Life and Work. In: James Baskind (ed.), Japanese Studies Around the World 2008. Scholars of Buddhism: Buddhist Studies in the 21. Century. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies 2009: 7-19.

Economic Impacts of Honen’s Pure Land Teaching. In: Ryukoku Daigaku Shinshu Gakkai (ed.), Shinran Jodo-kyo no kenkyu. (Shinshu-gaku Ronso Vol.10). Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo 2009: 31-61. Revised and enlarged version of: Socio-conomic Impacts of Honen’s Pure Land Doctrines. In: Ugo Dessi (ed.), The Social Dimension of Shin Buddhism. 2010: 11-58

Subversive Tendenzen im japanischen Buddhismus der Nara-, Heian- und Kamakura-Perioden. In: Günther Distelrath (Hg.), Referate des 13. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentages. I. Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaft. Bonner Asienstudien Bd. 8/1. Berlin: EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt 2009: 101-113. Gekürzte deutsche Version von: The “Crazy Priest” – Subversive Aspects of Japanese Buddhism. In: James C. Baxter, ed., Japanese Studies Around the World. 2004. Observing Japan from Within. Kyoto 2004: 256-285.

The Kyoto School of Philosophy and “Christian Studies.” – An Introduction to the Life and Work of Muto Kazuo. Ryukoku Daigaku Ronshu (The Journal of Ryukoku University) Vol. 473 (2009): 2-47. Revidierte Version: Muto Kazuo (1913-1995) – An Introduction to His Life and Work. In: Martin Repp (Hg.), Muto Kazuo: Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness. Leiden 2012: 1-53.

XXX (Chinese translation of: Birth into the Pure Land and Resurrection of the Body: A Comparative Study between Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity). (Ching Feng NS Vol. 7 (2006): 165-180.

H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama and Japanese Buddhists – An Account and Analysis of Complicated Interactions. Japanese Religions Vol. 33 Nos. 1 & 2 (2008): 103-125.

The Problem of ‘Evil’ in Pure Land Buddhism. In: Jerald D. Gort et al. (eds.), Probing the Depths of Evil and Good. Multireligious Views and Case Studies. (Currents of Encounter Vol. 33). Amsterdam, New York NY: Rodopi 2007: 151-168.

Kindai bukkyō to Ōbaku no yakuwari (Moderner Buddhismus und die Rolle von Obaku Zen). Ōbaku bunka (Ōbaku Zen Culture) Vol. 127 (2006-2007): 77-88.

How to Tackle Religious Diversity? – An Inquiry Into the Communicational Structures of the Early Sangha and King Ashoka’s Edicts. Shinshū-gaku (The Shinshugaku – Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism) No. 114. (2006): 1-33. Revidierte Version veröffentlicht in: Journal of the Henry Martyn Institute Vol. 30 (2011): 62-86.

The Caricature of Caricatures” – Communicational Strategies in the Danish Cartoon Conflict. Japanese Religions Vol. 31 No. 2 (2006): 120-162.Part of this article appeared in Japanese translation in: Mori Koichi (ed.), EU to isuramu no shukyo dento wa kyozon dekiru-ka? (Can the religious traditions of the EU and Islam co-exist?) Tokyo: Akashi Shoten 2007: 240-256.

Buddhism and Cartoons in Japan – How Much Parody Can a Religion Bear? Japanese Religions Vol. 31 No. 2 (2006): 187-203.

From Disputations to Dialogue – An Inquiry into Forms of Religious Communication in Japanese Buddhism and European Christianity. (Jahrbuch) Religionen im Gespräch Bd. 9 (2006): 44-59.

Birth into the Pure Land and Resurrection of the Body: A Comparative Study between Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity. Ching Feng NS Vol. 7 Nos. 1-2 (2006): 165-180. (*Chinese translation in: xxx 2008.)

Aum Shinrikyo and the Aum Incident – A Critical Introduction. In: James R. Lewis und Jesper Aagaard Petersen (eds.), Controversial New Religions. Oxford und New York: Oxford University Press 2005: 153-194. Second edition 2014: 195-240.

Religionsgespräche zwischen Jesuiten und Buddhisten im Japan des 16./17. Jahrhunderts. In: Benjamin Simon, Henning Wrogemann (Hg.), Konviviale Theologie. Festgabe für Theo Sundermeier zum 70. Geburtstag. Frankfurt a.M.: Otto Lembeck 2005: 41-53.

How to Ascertain One’s Birth into the Pure Land? – An Investigation into Developments during the Heian and Kamakura Periods. Shinshū-gaku (Journal of Studies in Shin Buddhism) Nos. 111-112 (2005): 9-24. Wieder veröffentlicht in: Ryukoku Daigaku Shinshu Gakkai (ed.), Nihon bunka to Jōdo-kyō (Shinshu-gaku Ronso Vol. 9). Kyoto: Nagata Bunshodo 2005: 9-24.

* xxx. In. NCC Shūkyō kenkyūsho / Tomisaka kirisutokyō sentā (eds.), Anata wa donna shugyō o shita no desuka? Oumu kara no toi, Oumu e no toi, Tokyo: Shinkyo shuppansha 2004: 225-243.

The “Crazy Priest” – Subversive Aspects of Japanese Buddhism. In: James C. Baxter, ed., Japanese Studies Around the World. 2004. Observing Japan from Within. Perspectives of Foreign Scholars Resident in Japan. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies 2004: 256-285. Gekürzte deutsche Version: Subversive Tendenzen im japanischen Buddhismus der Nara-, Heian- und Kamakura-Perioden..In: Günther Distelrath (Hg.), Referate des 13. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentages Berlin: 2009: 101-113

From Contextual Theology to Ecumenical Theology – The “Interreligious Studies in Japan Program” (ISJP). In: David Kwang-sun Suh, Annette Meutrath, Choe Hyondok (eds.), Charting the Future of Theology and Theological Education in Asian Contexts. Dehli: ISPCK 2004: 220-234.

The Last Continent” – The Involvements of Aum Shinrikyo in Australia. The Japan Missionary Journal Spring 2003: 55-66. Japanische Übersetzung in: NCC Shukyo kenkyusho / Tomisaka kirisutokyo senta (eds.), 2004: 225-243.

Die Begegnung zwischen Europa und Ostasien anhand der Auseinandersetzungen um den christlichen Gottesbegriff. Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 45. Bd. (2003): 71-100.

Religion, Culture, and Popular Culture in Japan – A Historical Inquiry of their Interaction. Inter-Religio No. 43 (2003): 3-21.

Hachiman – Protecting Deity (kami) of the Japanese Nation. In: Klaus Antoni et al. (eds.), Religion and National Identity in the Japanese Context. (Bunka – Tübingen Intercultural and Linguistic Studies on Japan Vol. 5) Hamburg, Münster, London: Lit-Verlag 2002, pp. 169-192.

Religiöser Pluralismus in Europa als Herausforderung für Kirche, Mission und Theologie – Eine ökumenische Perspektive aus Asien. Zeitschrift für Mission 28. Jg. (2002): 377-288. Revised English version: Religious Pluralism in Europe: Challenge for Church and Theology An Ecumenical Perspective from Asia. Current Dialogue No. 40 (2002): 4-10.

The “Trial of the Century”? – Legal and Illegal Treatments of Aum after the Aum Incident. Religion – Staat – Gesellschaft Bd. 2 Nr. 2 (2001): 289-313.

Popular Youth Culture and Religion in Contemporary Japan. Japanese Religions Vol. 25 (2000): 105-119.

The NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions – Forty Years of Research and Dialogue. Japanese Religions Vol. 25 (2000): 135-153.

Die religiöse Lage in Japan gegen Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Essays on Foreign Studies (Kwansei Gakuin University) Vol. 2. Festschrift für Prof. Hayashi Tadayoshi 1999: 37-81. Revidierte englische Version in Yonsei Review of Theology & Culture Vol. 5 (1999): 27-45.

The Religious Situation in Contemporary Japan. Yonsei Review of Theology & Culture Vol. 5 (1999): 27-45.

Millenaristische Bewegungen vor dem Jahr 2000. Zeitschrift für Mission 25. Jg. (1999): 31-38.

The Problem of Religion and Ecology in Contemporary Japan – A Theological Perspective from Europe. Woowon Sasang Nonchong Vol. 7 (1999): 339-355; Koreanische Übersetzung pp. 356-370. (Woowon Research Institute)

For a Moratorium on the Word “Partnership” – Towards a Paradigm Shift in the Relationship Between Japanese Protestant Churches and Overseas Missions and Churches. The Japan Christian Review Vol. 64 (1998): 28-34.

Youth and New-New Religions – Challenges for the Churches in Present-day Japan. The Japan Christian Review Vol. 63 (1997): 5-29.

Der Erste werfe den Stein – Aum Shinrikyo und die gegenwärtige Gesellschaft in Japan. Zeitschrift für Mission Bd. 22 (1996): 43-52.

Religion und Gewalt im gegenwärtigen Japan – Der Fall Aum Shinrikyo. Dialog der Religionen. Bd. 6. Nr. 2 (1996): 190-202.

The Supreme Dharma for the Meanest People – A Study in Honen’s Interpretation of the „Three Pure Land Sutras.“ Japanese Religions Vol. 21 (1996): 100-136.

Wie wird man seiner Hingeburt gewiss? – Eine Untersuchung zum Reinen Land Buddhismus der Heian und Kamakura Zeit. Journal of Christian Studies (Kyoto University) No. 16 (1996): 289-330.

„Life and Death“ in Early Christianity. Bulletin of the Buddhist University Comprehensive Research Institute Vol. 2 (1995): 174-186.

Who’s the First to Cast the Stone? – Aum Shinrikyo, Religions and Society in Japan. The Japan Mission Journal Vol. 49 (1995): 225-255. Spanische Übersetzung in Misiones extranjeras No. 156 (1996): 504-546; gekürzte und revidierte deutsche Version in Zeitschrift für Mission Bd. 22 (1996): 43-52.

Death and Life According to Martin Luther. Bulletin of the Buddhist University Comprehensive Research Institute Vol. 1 (1994): 73-98.

Das NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Relgions in Kyoto – 35 Jahre interreligiöse Begegnung im ökumenischen Kontext. Zeitschrift für Mission Jg. 20 (1994): 153-165.

The NCC Center for the Study of Japanese Religions in Kyoto – 35 Years of Interreligious Encounter in an Ecumenical Context. Current Dialogue No. 27 (1994): 25-33. Wieder abgedruckt in: Inter-Religio No. 27 (1995): 23-38. Svensk Missionstidskrift Vol. 84 No. 2 (1996): 39-51.

Hōnens Nembutsu zwischen zeitgenössischem Volksglauben und volkstümlichem Buddhismus. Oriens Extremus 36 (1993): 63-81.

Ningen no songen – Kankyo sekai no songen. Nichiyobi seinichi o megutte (Die Würde des Menschen – Die Würde der natürlichen Umwelt. Zur Bedeutung des Sonntags) Deai (Encounter) Vol. 11 No. 1 (1992): 36-51.